![]() August 06, 2003Lindows Announces Release of DVD Player for Lindows Features include Play, Stop, Eject, and Quit
San Diego, CA /DenounceNewswire/ -- 6 August 2003 -- Lindows.com, Inc. (www.lindows.com) today announced the release of Lindows DVD Player, a software application that joins a long line of Linux-based DVD player programs such as Xine, VideoLAN client, Mplayer, and Ogle. What makes the Lindows DVD player unique is its name and the fact that it costs money while the other applications don't. "In our continuing mission to give consumers choice, we're introducing this DVD player for Lindows," said Michael Robertson, Lindows CEO. "As I said, our goal is to give consumers choice, and that is what we have done." The Lindows DVD player offers the ability to play DVDs on the computer screen. "It's really amazing," said Robertson. "You pop a DVD in your computer's DVD drive, and our software instantly recognizes it's a DVD and starts playing the movie. This is another brilliant technical innovation from the wizards here at Lindows, and I'm proud that they work for me." Other features of the Lindows DVD Player include stop, pause, eject, help, and quit. The Lindows DVD player can be purchased on the Lindows.com website, using the Click-N-Run service. Alternatively, users may download and install Xine, Mplayer, Ogle, or other Linux applications for free, but then they don't get the enjoyment of knowing they are contributing to the expansion of Robertson's company. Click-N-Run members, called Insiders, are entitled to purchase any software in the Lindows Click-N-Run Warehouse, currently offering access to more than 1,500 software applications. Non-members, known as Outsiders, are monitored closely and extremely encouraged to become members. "One of the great benefits of being an Insider at Lindows is automatic enrollment in Michael's Moments, a service whereby you can email or call me and I will actually listen and respond to your questions or comments. Or, if I'm not available, one of my closest and most trusted staff members will reply on my behalf," says Robertson. "Outsiders lose out on the opportunity to communicate with me and find out what I think."
About Lindows.com, Inc.
Posted by denounce on August 6, 2003 06:11 PM
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