![]() July 11, 2003FOX NEWS ANNOUNCES NEW 'WINER AND PILGRIM' TECHNOLOGY TALK SHOW Two Seasoned Tech Rivals to Duke it Out Nightly on Fox
New York, NY /DenounceNewswire/ -- 11 July 2003 -- Fox News announces the launch of "Winer and Pilgrim", a new talk show focusing on arcane technical debates, obscure blog politics, and other pressing issues of the day. "We're excited about this new program and the opportunity to embrace a new market segment, namely geeks and other technology misfits," said Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO of Fox News. "Winer and Pilgrim is guaranteed to mesmerise, agitate, annoy, intrigue, and entertain night after night." The hour-long program will air Friday nights at 10pm on the Fox News channel, "a day and time-slot we discovered is the best time to reach the most geeks at home," says Ailes. Topics already planned for the first week of the program will include the future of RSS feeds, fair use of copyright, Microsoft vs. Apple, and Google vs. Userland: Who Owns Blogs?. At a press conference earlier today in New York, Dave Winer and Mark Pilgrim appeared ready to rumble in what turned into a shouting match the likes of which have not been seen since Mohammed Ali took on Joe Frazier in press briefings three decades ago. "I'm excited about this show," says Dave Winer, who currently works at the Berkman Law Center at Harvard University, and is the founder of Userland Software. "I plan to fight the good fight and show this Pilgrim pudknocker a thing or two." "Bring it on," says Mark Pilgrim, a web designer and programmer who operates the popular Dive Into Mark website. "Dave can say whatever he wants, and I'm gonna fact check his ass all along the way."
Fox, which gleefully awaits major advertising profits from the show, also announced today that it has plans for "Winer and Pilgrim" movie and book spin-off properties to appear later this year.
Posted by denounce on July 11, 2003 10:53 PM
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