![]() Category: FedEx
May 22, 2002FedEx Announces FedEx Tracking Plus When You Absolutely, Positively Need To Know Not Only
Who Opens Your Package But What They Say About It Behind Your Back
Memphis, TN /DenounceNewswire/ -- May 22, 2002 -- FedEx Tracking Plus, the first post-delivery tracking service ever available to customers, is now available. Introduced today by FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) to FedEx customers, this revolutionary application makes it possible for FedEx customers to track every detail of a package's whereabouts, who opens it, when they open it, what they do with it, and what happens to it. Nevermore will a customer wonder, "whatever happened to that package I sent to so-and-so?" Using a combination of Global Positioning System technology and sub-microscopic video cameras and microphones, packages shipped with FedEx Tracking Plus provide non-stop realtime tracking information for packages even after they've arrived at their destination. "FedEx Tracking Plus gives me the ability to know not only when my queries reach agents and publishers," said writer Naomi Wilgers, "but it lets me see what the agents and publishers do with my queries. I get to watch and hear everything that goes on once the package arrives." "The age of digital fly-on-the-wall technology has arrived," said Targil Gershwa, assistant vice director of group president leads for FedEx Services Corp. "Except, this isn't a fly-on-the-wall, it's a bug in the parcel!"
How FedEx Tracking Plus Works
Tracking Information
DATE TIME LOCATION COMMENTS 5/22 10:33:09 DENVER, CO Package delivered 5/22 10:34:14 DENVER, CO Receptionist puts package in pile 5/22 11:49:11 DENVER, CO Receptionist gives package to Bob 5/22 11:49:15 DENVER, CO Bob walks down the hall with your pkg 5/22 11:49:22 DENVER, CO Bob stops to get some coffee and a donut 5/22 11:49:38 DENVER, CO Bob spills some half-n-half on your pkg 5/22 11:50:19 DENVER, CO Bob takes your package to his office, shuts door 5/22 11:50:22 DENVER, CO Bob tosses your package in his in box 5/22 12:00:00 DENVER, CO Your package sits in Bob's inbox 5/22 13:00:00 DENVER, CO Your package sits in Bob's inbox 5/22 14:00:00 DENVER, CO Your package sits in Bob's inbox 5/22 15:00:00 DENVER, CO Your package sits in Bob's inbox 5/22 16:00:00 DENVER, CO Your package sits in Bob's inbox 5/22 17:00:00 DENVER, CO Your package sits in Bob's inbox 5/22 17:08:56 DENVER, CO Bob opens your package
How Much Does It Cost?
About FedEx
Posted by denounce at 05:42 PM
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