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Foundation's Mission Is To Continue "Undermining The Efforts" of Mozilla.org and Netscape

Redmond, WA /DenounceNewswire/ -- 15 July 2003 -- Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announced the creation of the "Internet Explorer Foundation", or IEF, a for-profit organization aimed at "undermining the efforts" of the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization coincidentally also founded and announced today. In addition to continuing to strengthen IE's market stranglehold through aggressive marketing and monopolistic practices, the IEF also aims to undertake what it calls "a major study" to document once and for all how the IE product managed to take over Netscape's dominant market position in the Internet browser wars seemingly overnight. "Having such knowledge," says Gates, "will help guide us in future product endeavors."

With a starting funding of $16 billion from Bill Gates, the IEF believes it has enough money to continue operations until the year 2525.

With the IEF announcement coming so shortly after AOL's recent but long-anticipated move to kill further Netscape and Mozilla browser development, Gates expressed thanks to AOL and pledged to "continue AOL's excellent work" at destroying Netscape's and Mozilla's chances of success in the marketplace. "Now that there's a well-funded Foundation to continue to keep an eye on Mozilla," Gates said, "we can rest assured that they'll never again have another chance to threaten Internet Explorer's position."

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